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tv   U.S. House of Representatives U.S. House of Representatives  CSPAN  July 17, 2019 9:59am-11:26am EDT

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do your job. host: we had al green earlier on this program. a tweet from a reporter, al green saying the house will vote on his impeachment article between 4:30 and 5:00 today. it is unclear if it will be a motion to table or a motion to refer it to the judiciary committee. in utah, democrats line. i think that in civility started around the time of nixon. that is my memory. it has gotten worse and worse. tohear people saying we have anything to to get come push. many to lock people in a room, give them sandwiches and bathroom privileges, before they are going to do anything or be civil. that is lynn in utah, talking about the process of civility.
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in the house of representatives, a lot going on today. if you want to find out more about the activity, go to our website at we now take you to the house. [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2019] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] rage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the .s. house of representatives.] the speaker pro tempore: the house will be in order. the chair lays before the house a communication from the speaker. the clerk: the speaker's room, washington, d.c., july 17, 2019. i hereby appoint the honorable henry cuellar to act as speaker pro tempore on this day. signed, nancy pelosi, speaker of the house of representatives. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to the order of the ouse of january 3, 2019, the chair will now recognize members from lists submitted by the majority and minority leaders for morning hour debate. the chair will alternate recognition between the parties. ll time shall be equally allocated between the parties and in no event shall debate continue beyond 11:50 a.m.
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each member other than the majority and minority leaders and minority whip shall be limited to five minutes. now the chair recognizes the gentleman from texas, mr. green, for five minutes. mr. green: thank you, mr. speaker. mr. speaker, and still i rise. a proud american but i'm especially proud, mr. speaker, of this house of representatives, because on yesterday, this house engaged in the first part of a bipartisan, bipartisan effort. it was bipartisan yesterday, but it's a bifurcated effort as well. bifurcated because yesterday this house voted with a vote of 244 to condemn the president. yesterday's vote was to condemn. first part of the bifurcated process. today's vote is to determine
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whether or not we will punish the president. the effort yesterday was wonderful. i supported it. but it does not punish the president. it does not fine him. he will remain in office. today, we will deal with the question of what his punishment should be. today, between 4:00 and 5:00, somewhere in there, there will be articles of impeachment voted on. this will be the opportunity for us to go on record, letting the world know where we stand. if we vote to table, we are voting not to advance impeachment. if we vote to send it to the judiciary committee, we're voting not to advance impeachment. i will not vote to table. i will not vote to send it to the judiciary committee. i will want to move forward so we can vote to impeach. this president has committed impeachable offenses. yesterday we condemned him for them. today is our opportunity to punish him for them. and for those who might say, well, if you do this, there may
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be some people who won't like you. well, there are times when you have to do that which is neither safe nor politick nor popular. you have to do it because it is right. i will say this, if we voted yesterday to condemn him, those who are not going to like you are not going to like you any more today if you will vote to impeach than if you will vote not to impeach. they will be where they were when you decided you were not going to support what the president has been doing since he's been in office. finally this, mr. speaker, i love my country. it means something to me to be part of the fiber and fabric of this country, and because i love it, i will not allow anyone to be above the law. the president has been above the law some 91 days since the mueller report was presented. some 91 days. i think it's time for us to send the president a clear message that he's not above the law. i think it's time for us to impeach. i also believe that this and
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understand that what we're doing today with impeachment does not impact the mueller report. it does not impact what the judiciary committee is doing or any other committee investigating obstruction. obstruction has nothing do do with what we will vote on today. this is about what the president has done. you cannot incite people to harm other people with your words. you can't yell "fire" in a crowded theater. the president has committed an impeachable offense, and we ought to take it up. he ought to be impeached. i will vote to advance to impeachment and i pray this president will be impeached today. i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: members are reminded to refrain from engaging in personalities toward the president. the chair now recognizes the gentlewoman from north carolina, ms. foxx, for five minutes. ms. foxx: thank you, mr. speaker. mr. speaker, our country is seeing unprecedented numbers of
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illegal aliens attempting to circumvent u.s. immigration and asylum laws at our southern border. the department of homeland curity reported that 104,344 arrests occurred last month, making four straight months of arrests totaling over 100,000. that's the equivalent to the entire population of roy taga county in north carolina -- in wautaga county in north carolina's fifth district. our border patrol officers, aid workers have been overwhelmed for performing upholding the rule of law. they deserve support of this body and of those who have humanitarian needs. as we know this recent migrant influx include women with children that want the life of opportunity that this country and our freedoms afford. caring for children and families at our southern border
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need not be a partisan issue. last month house republicans delivered $4.6 billion to help manage the humanitarian crisis and strengthen border security. while this funding is necessary to address the border crisis, more needs to be done to modify the law and streamline asylum regulations. rather than pivot to political pandering and policy extremes, like open borders, we need to recognize the complex failures of our current system and address them head-on. that is why i am proud to co-sponsor the fix the immigration loopholes act. this bill updates immigration law efficiently, process real asylum claims, and safely return children to their countries of origin. it's past time that we debate it on the house floor. i ask the speaker to bring up
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bipartisan legislation for comprehensive immigration reform. the immigration crisis our country is facing has strained our country's border security and customs enforcement protections to the breaking point. letting this crisis continue is not an option. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentlewoman from texas, ms. johnson, for five minutes. thank you, mr. speaker. as chairwoman of the committee on science, space, and technology, it's an honor to stand before you today to celebrate the 50th anniversary of apollo 11. the morning of july 16, 1969, neil armstrong, michael collins, and buzz aldrin lifted ff from nasa's cape kennedy. that day, millions watched in
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11 s nasa launched apollo saturn 9 rocket to accomplish the goals set by president kennedy less than 10 years earlier, to land the man on the moon before the end of the decade. as president kennedy said in his speech at rice university in september, 1962, we choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things not because they are easy but because they are hard. there is no better explanation that captures the american spirit. we choose to take joint leaps. we choose to know the unknown. we choose to lead into the future. on july 20, 1960, just four days after the launch, the world listened and watched as the first steps were taken on the moon. again, hundreds of millions of people across the world watched
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as history was made. five times more nasa astronauts landed on the moon and returned home safely. president kennedy's promise that our great democracy could achieve these hard things became a reality. as we watch those days in july, 0 years ago, dreams began to form. every person watching the success of apollo program, young and old, no matter their background, was filled with inspiration. some youngsters could say to themselves, i will be an astronaut. i will be a scientist. as they looked up to the moon, they pictured themselves up there amongst those american heroes in an unimaginable distance away. this impact has its greatest effect on our young people. we must always remember that inspiration when we set out to accomplish our greatest goals,
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the youth inspiration, the world's rising generations are watching, always setting their eyes on the sky and the stars. young girls and young boys from all backgrounds thrive off the vision that we have now and imagined themselves becoming a part of it when they can. we must meet this great responsibility to the following generations by providing opportunities for them to do great things with the challenge we face today. as my predecessor, chairman of the then-committee of science and astronautics, congressman george p. miller, said after the apollo 11 crew splashed down safely in the pacific ocean, those of us who are privileged to live today will pass this onto our children and our grandchildren, and they
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will in turn brag about the fact that we were there. the flight of apollo 11 is perhaps the greatest secular achievement that the world has ever seen. this achievement was made possible by the unified efforts of nearly half million men and women, scientists and engineers, technicians and the support of the american people and their government. the united states' discovery and exploration enterprise is unmatched. just as we once set our sights to be the first to land on the moon, let us bring that same sense of commitment to meeting other challenges facing our nation. thank you and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman from alabama, mr. brooks, for five minutes. mr. speaker, this
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week america celebrates the 50th anniversary of one of mankinds and america's greatest achievements, walking on the surface of the moon. although then only a child, i well remember the earth shake and the dishes in our kitchen cabinets rattle as the apollo 5 engines were tested nearby. even now, 50 years after watching the moon landing, i get chills remembering when apollo astronauts landed and later planted the flag on the moon's surface. it was american ingenuity, boldness, technical prowess, and economic might that made this historic achievement possible. i'm proud to say the legacy of the apollo 11 moon landing lives on in the tennessee valley of alabama that i
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represent. some history is in order. the tennessee valley's marshall space flight center is the birthplace of america's space program. americans generally and alabamians in particular designed and engineered the saturn 5 rocket that launched the historic apollo 11 and took american astronauts to the moon. i will never forget the flames and the roar as our saturn 5 rocket was launched and carried the apollo 11 crew and vehicles to the moon. i remember with tremendous pride neil armstrong's words as he step foot on the moon, "that's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." that giant leap meant to benefit all mankind as a prime example of american exceptionalism and helped cement america's status as the
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best, most powerful and most influential nation in world history. when neil armstrong and buzz aled run planted america's flag on the moon's surface on july 20, 1969, there was no doubt that america's space program had passed the russians and become the preeminent leader in space exploration, a position america maintains today. this week, america not only reflects on the miraculous achievements of the apollo 11 mission, but we also honor those who played a critical role in its ultimate success. the tennessee valley is immensely proud of our pivotal role in landing a man on the moon and equally importantly returning them alive to earth. reflecting our pride in america's achievement, there are
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up your dancing slippers. end quote. mankind's greatest achievements are yet to come. america will continue to accomplish the unimaginable and space for the benefit of all umanity. huntsville where we say the sky is not the limit will be instrumental in carrying american astronauts back to the moon, to mars, and beyond. mr. speaker, i yield back.
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>> i rise today to honor the valiant actions of deputy william kim breaux of the berkley county sheriff's office. on june 11, deputy kim breaux pulled over a speeding vehicle to find out that 12-day-old riley had stopped breathing. she needed immediate help so without hesitation deputy kimbro administered lifesaving care to this newborn and told the first -- in the first responders could arrive on the scene. he was in the navy before joining the sheriff's office in 2013. a school resource officer on summer break patrolling the road is not deputy kimbro's primary duty but acted without hesitation. for his bravery and composure,
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he earned berkley county's lifesaving medal. nation a safer and better place. take a bough, deputy kimbro, we are extremely proud of you. yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes mr. thompson for five minutes. mr. thompson: i rise today as a number of my colleagues have to recognize that this saturday, july 20, as the 50th anniversary of the apollo 11 moon landing. eil-armstrong first stepped on
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the moon and said, "one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind, end quotes. they launched from the kennedy space center, florida, and would change the course of human history forever. at the age of 8 i can remember watching the coverage of the landing from my family living room where we moved the dining room table in to eat dinner and watch this historical occasion. i remember the landing that occurred at 4:18 p.m. eastern standard time on july 20. i along with many other children at that time across the country was filled with a sense of awe and wonder. this consequential moment was sparkt years before in 1961 when president kennedy stood before congress and set an ambitious goal of putting a man on the moon before the decade's end. long before he acknowledged the materials had been invented yet to make that a reality. his bold vision became a reality on july 20, 1969.
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this achievement would not have been possible without american innovation and work ethic. paired with the support of the public. now we are tasked with safely sending the first woman and another man to the south pole of the moon where no human has traveled. this mission, called artemis, will send astronauts back to the moon by 2024, allowing us to establish a permanent presence on the moon by 2028. none of this can be achieved without a strong public-private partnership and the strong support of the american people. nasa works with companies both large and small from across 50 states to prepare for the mission, as well as many other projects nasa conducts in space. in pennsylvania's 15th congressional district, there are several local businesses working with nasa. just recently nasa announced a contract for infrastructure h.f. t service from the
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lens company in johnstown to provide their expertise. a medical company is working on custom medical devices. public-private partnerships like these will fuel the next generation of exploration. space is more than just a place of academic study, however. it's instrumental to our national security. it discovers new technologies that have everyday application that is encourages us to push the boundaries of what's possible. mr. speaker, the legacy of the apollo 11 moon landing is forever enshrined in the parts and minds of americans who witnessed the moment 50 years ago this week. we must reignite our kur yossity for space exploration as we prepare to return to the moon in the decades to come. thank you, mr. speaker. i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the the gentlewoman from wisconsin, ms. moore, for five minutes. ms. moore: thank you, mr. speaker.
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mr. speaker, i rise to urge my raisegues to vote for the the minimum wage act. in my district of milwaukee, wisconsin, milwaukeens are stuck at the federal minimum wage of $7.25 cents. these workers struggle to support themselves and their families with their meager wages. at however hard they try at $7.25 an hour they are working themselves into poverty. since $15,000 a year is below the federal poverty level. what do these workers do? they are forced to juggle multiple jobs and contend with
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long unpredictable hours. meanwhile, congressional inaction on minimum wage workers' paychecks continues to erode this basic labor standard. this inaction has contributed to out-of-control economic inequality and the decline of the middle class. hardworking americans working at the minimum wage are, indeed, working below the poverty level. not only are they working below the poverty level, but they are supplying cheap labor to wealthy corporations who benefited from our tax policy. and it also requires you, hardworking taxpayers, to subsidize those corporations. why? because these workers working 40 hours a week still qualify for public benefits like food stamps and medicaid. because those employers don't provide those benefits. i know personally the hardships
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of surviving on less than a living wage. that's why i fought throughout my entire career in public service to lift america's vulnerable workers. not just to help them make ends meet, but to empower them and to help them reach their ambitions. i'm so proud that i have protested for fair wages alongside fellow milwaukeens in 2014 as part of the national fight for 15 campaign. i was arrested for participating in the fight for $15 an hour in that protest. and i'm grateful for the courage demonstrated by the protestors nationwide who joined the fight for 15. thank you for the personal risks you have talkin. we are voting on the raise, the minimum wage act because of the momentum that you have created. raising the minimum wage will have countless benefits. to name a few, it will lift 40 million workers out of poverty.
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boost the economy. and spread the benefits of economic growth that president trump as hoarded for the wealthy few. raising the national minimum wage is well overdue and i urge my colleagues to vote yes on raise the wage act. with that i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: members are reminded to address their remarks to the chair and not to a perceived viewing audience. the chair recognizes the gentleman from kansas, mr. marshall, for five minutes. mr. marshall: thank you, mr. speaker. 50 years ago on july 20, 1969, people across the country and around the world watched in eager anticipation as kneel armstrong and buzz aldrin landed on the moon. this historic event ended the space race and brought american innovation, determination, and leadership to the forefront of the global stage. this was american exceptionalism at its best.
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my brother and sister and i never missed an apollo liftoff. we all became very familiar with that countdown. 10 9 -- ignition sequence 6 5 fire the retrorockets 3 2 - -- 1 liftoff. we have liftoff. the rocket has cleared the tower. we sat there in amazement as we sat in front of that rca black and white tv. it was like the whole room was shaking and we would sit there until we saw the rocket finally leave out of sight. apollo 11 was a 36-story high rocket. it started it's eight day, 953,000-mile journey to the moon and back. we all had toy rockets back in the day and would repeat that liftoff sequence over and over. my brother and i would climb to our garage and launched our toy rockets. in cub squouts we built rockets. our high school physics classes we built rockets.
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we had contests to see who could fly their rockets the highest and furthest. i have no idea how many boys and girls were inspired to go into identifiens -- science because of the joy of watching rockets being launched to the moon. our teachers would say things like lunch is t-minus 30 minutes away. or at the end of a tough test they would say, mission accomplished. as we celebrate this historic event, i think back to alt times casok my children to the phere in kansas. this world class museum and science center, number one of its kind, showcases american innovation in space and aeronautics and provides interactive opportunities to engage in historic events such as the moon landing. in fact, they currently have a traveling visit called apollo redeaux which lets people sit in
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a reprodougs of the johnson space certainty. it amazes me of the advancements made possible because of these missions. research conducted by nasa has helped us to better understand our solar system as well as the universe. nick haig of kansas in my district is currently conducting research on the international space station. we are proud of you and keep doing a great job for america. as a member of the house science, space, and technology committee i am proud to join my colleagues here today in honoring the 50th anniversary of the apollo 11 landing and its legacy we continue to build upon today. i yield back the remainder of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman from massachusetts, mr. mcgovern, for five minutes. mr. mcgovern: mr. speaker, a few weeks ago the house agriculture subcommittee on nutrition, oversight, and department operations hosted a hearing that
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discussed the devastating impacts of president trump's proposed cuts to broad based categorical eligibility. today i'd like to share the stories of a few of my constituents who have benefited from the streamlined process that broad-based categorical eligibility provides hungry families in accessing food benefits. in my hometown a single mother, who is a domestic violence survivor raising one child, works as a certified nursing assistant and makes $1,819 per month before taxes or payroll deductions. while this may sound like enough to get by, her current income is barely over 130% of the federal poverty level. even with an income this low, her family only receives $15 a monthly snap benefit. but because of broad-based categorical eligibility, her child was also able to receive free school meals and it helps her stay afloat as a working mom. then there is another worcester area family of four, former
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refugees with two high school-aged children. the mother and father who both work in shipping and packaging make $15.35 an hour. while both parents work as many hours as they can, their income fluctuates depending how many shifts they are assigned each week. many months they make under 130% of the federal poverty ellevel, during other months when they get extra shifts it puts them slightly higher over 130%. this month they received $110 in snap, but if it were up to the trump administration, just one more shift could threaten the entire family's access to snap and their children's access to free school meals. . president trump shouldn't be cutting off people's benefits just as they are getting on their feet. last year we worked hard to come up with a bipartisan farm bill, and despite some discussions on this issue, congress agreed then and in
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2014 to allow states to maintain their flexibility in accommodating low-income households. in my home state of massachusetts, where the cost of living is relatively high compared to the rest of the country, that flexibility is crucial. now, i'd like to take a moment now to highlight a forward-thinking partnership to address hunger among college students in massachusetts. i find the work of organizations that address food insecurity to be especially important during times like these. i've mentioned before the average snap benefit is around $1.40 per person per meal. you can't buy a cup of coffee with that, much less feed an entire family. food pantries often serve as the safety net when snap just isn't enough. in my district, for example, worcester county food bank provides donated food to a network of 118 partner agencies including food pantries, community meal programs, and shelters. its mission is to engage, educate, and lead worcester county in creating a
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hunger-free community. last year they served 81,000 neighbors. recently i visited one of the food banks' partners, a community college's food for thought campus pantry, one of the first college food pantries to partner with the worcester county food bank in addressing food insecurity on local college campuses. research shows that community college students experience higher food insecurity than the rest of the population. a recent study found that two out of three community college students are food insecure. the food for thought campus pantry was created in october of 2017 for students and by students in response to food insecurity among community college students, which is becoming an increasing threat to students' success. since the food for thought food pantry opened in october, 2017, 210 students have registered for food assistance, and 7,238 pounds of food and 15,807 total items were distributed.
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without organizations like the worcester county food bank and the food for thought food pantry, students and families would not have consistent access to the food they need. these programs and organizations are an irreplaceable key to solving our nation's hunger crisis, but they can't bear all of the weight if the trump administration has its way and cuts millions off of snap. that is why i encourage my colleagues in the house and senate to join me and fight every single attempt this administration makes to wage war on people who are hungry. working together is the only way we are going to be able to end hunger now. i yield back my time. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman from texas, mr. babin, for five minutes. mr. babin: thank you, mr. speaker. mr. speaker, 50 years ago, america achieved the greatest technological accomplishment in human history. three men, neil armstrong, michael collins, and buzz aldrin, set off from cape
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canaveral on a voyage president kennedy called the most hazardous and dangerous and greatest adventure which man had ever -- has ever embarked upon. four days into their eight-day mission, neil and buzz climbed down the ladder of the lunar module and stood on the surface of the moon. the very first human presence on a celestial body other than earth. no other country has equaled. and we did it five more times. armstrong, collins, and aldrin could not have accomplished this alone. apollo 11 was the culmination of the hard work of more than 400,000 americans who, with limited experience and comparatively primitive technology, committed themselves to accomplish this task and completing president kennedy's order of rushing the astronauts safely home. i'm so proud to represent johnson space center in houston, texas, and the historic mission control of that apollo era. on the wall of the house
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science, space and technology committee, here in the -- on capitol hill where i serve as senior republican on the space and aeronautics subcommittee is written from the bible proverbing 29:18 which reads, where there is no vision, the people perish. the 50th anniversary of the first moon landing should serve as a reminder of what we as a nation can accomplish when we do have a clear mission. 600 million people from around the world gathered around their grainy television sets to watch those first steps. what is amazing is that this took place only 40 years after lindhberg first flew across the atlantic and only 65 years after two bicycle-making brothers from dayton, ohio, achieved flight in kitty hawk, north carolina. the apollo pushed our technology forward, and we are again.cusp of doing it
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president trump and vice president pence ensured we are, again, pushing outward and launching america back into its dominant role as the global leader in space. we have our vision. this time we head to the red planet by way of the moon and this time we stay. nasa administrator bridenstine has focused nasa on achieving artimus s with the program, apollo's sister, and i will advocate for the support needed for nasa to accomplish this very worthwhile effort. mr. speaker, as we commemorate the 50th anniversary of apollo 11 this week, i would like to thank all out there who helped us get to the moon and all those out there who will get us back to the moon and thank them for their tremendous contribution to our country and i'm anxiously looking forward to the next small steps and giant leaps in our space
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program. thank you and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentlewoman from oklahoma, ms. horn, for five minutes. thank you, mr. speaker. this week we celebrate one of the most remarkable moments in human history, the launch of the apollo 11 lunar mission, and the first steps on the moon by american astronauts neil armstrong and buzz aldrin. american leadership, ingenuity and investment made this moment possible 50 years ago. as the space and aeronautics space committee chairwoman, i'm proud to join my colleagues today to recognize this achievement and talk about what it means 50 years later as we commemorate this historic accomplishment. it's clear that we stand on the
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shoulders of space pioneers, some of whom are still with us today. apollo 11 and armstrong's first steps on the lunar surface were the culmination of a focused, methodical buildup of operational capabilities needed to achieve the moon landing. the value of the apollo program is beyond measure. its mission inspired and continues to draw countless americans into science, technology, engineering and math. this program led to significant technological advances and products that changed the world as we know it and benefit our lives today. fundamentally, the success of apollo contributed to our standing in the world. apollo taught us the value of taking audacious and yet intentional risks. i'd like to focus as well for a moment on the mission that immediately preceded the moon
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landing, apollo 10. this mission launched two months before was launched to test all of the components and procedures just short of landing. carrying the lunar module, it came as close as 50,000 feet from the lunar surface before returning safely to earth. retired air force general, thomas b. stafford, an oklahomans, commanded this essential -- oklahoman, commanded this essential mission that enabled us to land on the moon. general stafford was born in wetherford, oklahoma, and seached a bachelor of science agree from the united states naval academy in 1952, graduating with honors. commissioned as a second lieutenant in the air force, he completed advanced interceptor training and served tours of duty. he then graduated from the u.s. air force experimental test flight pilot school as the
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outstanding graduate and throughout his career, stafford flew more than 100 different types of aircraft as he pushed the boundaries of achievement in air and space. stafford was selected as an astronaut in 1962, and three years later, flew on gemini 6 -- e first space rond rendezvous, followed by gemini 9. the apollo. the peaceful cooperation between two cold war rivals was the first step in what's become a sustained relationship between the u.s., russia, and our international partners with the international space station. the last of the apollo missions , its lasting impacts reminds us even in times of warfare and global distress that space exploration is a unifying force of discovery, peace, cooperation, and diplomacy.
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beyond all his accomplishments, general stafford has also become a friend and mentor. to general stafford, all -- and all of those who contributed to the success of apollo, you inspired a generation and showed the world what is possible when our nation comes together to focus on an ambitious goal and in turn change the world in both foreseeable and unforeseeable futures. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman from florida, mr. posey, for five minutes. mr. posey: thank you very much, mr. speaker. it's a pleasure to be here today to speak about the 50th anniversary of apollo 11. can remember sitting in class hearing president kennedy's
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speech about why to go to moon at rice university in 1961 when he committed this country to putting a man on the moon and bringing him safely back to earth within the decade. he said, great nations do things not because they're easy because they're hard and it certainly was haard. i remember doing the math on my fingers and saying, you know, i'm going to be old enough to be involved in that program, and my goal became to have the fingerprints on the rocket that took the first man on the moon. five years later i was an inspector working on the third stage of the rocket, one of the highlights of my life. americans have a zeal for space. the apollo moon landing being the greatest technological advancement in the history of mankind.
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some writers described those times as a cam lot era, where ople respected their president even if they didn't vote for them. not since 9/11 have i seen americans as united as they were around the apollo program. space, of course, is important to our national security. it's important to our economic prosperity. it's important to our technological advancement i ask people how often they benefit from space and the response usually averages 6% say they benefit from space once a year. 4% say they benefit from space once a month. and only 2% say they benefit from space once a week. and we won't even go to once a day. and i guess those people have roosers in the back yard to give them their weather reports. you know, they don't pay attention to the images we have from the satellites. i guess they don't use cell phones or use credit cards or even make cash transactions because those are all satellite
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linked. and ultimately, space is important to us for the ultimate survival of our species. neil tyson talked about the benefits of space and while he was here he gave a lecture for staff and members over at the jefferson building's library of congress. very well-attended and well-taken. during his presentation, he mentioned that space is the only thing congress really spends money on to truly benefit the next generation, and i believe that. i believe those are trees that we plant without the expectation of being around to enjoy all the shade. i want to thank my colleagues on both sides of the aisle on the science, space, and technology committee for helping keep space a bipartisan issue. i hope we can build on the legacy of apollo 11 and someday
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our children and their children can come together and enjoy positive achievements for their generation and generations to follow. i thank you, mr. speaker. i yield back. . the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman from utah, mr. mcadams, for five minutes. you, mr. s: thank speaker. in the lead up to the apollo 11 moon landing's 50th anniversary, people across our country, including many from my state, utah, have been sharing their memories of this historic event. it's inspiration in their lives. some of the lucky ones when you played a role in helping the space program reach this historic achievement. brigham young university graduate charlie bunker remembers watching from a common room of a boarding house in downtown did he ever. his companion was an amish gentleman who turned to him and
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said, do you think the astronauts will really land on the moon? he said yes, he was sure, because he worked at a place where they made the rockets that helped get them there. charlie was a physicist who remembers as a 19-year-old president john f. kennedy's issue his challenge to america to go to the moon. after graduating from college and getting married, charlie landed a job with the hughes corporation in los angeles for a starting salary of $8,000 a year. he worked on surveyor, a nasa funding -- funded program that sent unmanned rockets to the moon. that work led to being hired by martin marietta, a denver-based aerospace company. charlie and his family were living temporarily in the boarding house on the historic history making night of the moon landing. charlie worked for martin marietta for nearly 40 years, including the last few years in utah. when the news asked readers to
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answer whether they remembered where they were on july 20, 1969, they received hundreds of responses. several utahans serving in the military wrote, one wrote, quote, i was returning from a night mission over the ho chi minh trail in laos as a pilot of a b-57. i remember it was a clear night as a full moon. my 1/2 greator and i were listening to the broadcast on armed forces radio at 30,000 feet. later my wife and i had neil armstrong to dinner in paris, i was an attache to france. another wrote, i was building number 9 manned spacecraft certainty now called the johnson spacecraft center in houston. nasa set up big tv screens and chairs for nasa employees and their friends. i remember the pride and accomplishment of the mission and celebration from nasa engineers and contractors. i remember it like it was yesterday.
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apollo 11 and the moon landing was a jewel in nasa's crown at the time. it set the foundation for many future american achievements in space. 16 years later, utah senator, jake garn, became the first sitting member of congress to fly in space. when he flew aboard the space shuttle discovery as a payload specialist in 1985. the closest i have gotten to the moon to date, anyway, is when as the mayor of salt lake county i placed the clark planet tear yum on vault into the -- planetarium moon rock in the vault. we placed it there under the watchful eye of law enforcement to the secure temporary home. our planetarium is one of many
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who benefits from the legacy and brings science education to life for students in utah. those students will soon and hopefully become the engineers, mathematicians, and explorers who will chart the next five decades of space research and space travel. here in congress, i am proud to sit on the space, science, and technology committee where we continue our forebearers' legacy of bipartisan investment in our nation's space program. apollo inspired a generation of scientists and americans. someday soon my four children may become space travelers themselves when space tourism became a reality. they'll stand on the shoulders of the thousands of dedicate the men and women who dreamed the impossible dream and then made it a reality. thank you. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman from florida, mr. walls, for five minutes. >> thank you, mr. speaker. le 50 years ago this week a
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group of astronauts launched from kennedy space center embarking on a journey of discovery into unchartered territory. mr. waltz: july 20, 1969, neil armstrong took one small step for man and one giant leap for mankind on the surface of the moon. armstrong and fellow astronaut buzz aldrin spent 2 1/2 hours collecting samples and taking photographs. critically and importantly they left behind an american flag and some of the most famous footprints in history, sealing america's place as the leader of the space renaissance and the international space race. our journey to outer space was born out of a desire to discover, but that wasn't the only reason we went to the moon. we also went to the moon to compete with russia. specifically regarding protecting our nation's security.
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that competition still exists today. but it is even more serious now because of our economic and our military dependency on space, and because in addition to russia, we now have china explicitly stating its intent to surpass america as the leader in space. russia and china have made it clear their intention is not just to explore space but to prepare themselves for conflict. russia and china both know that they will never be able to take us on tank to tank, carrier to carrier, plane to plane. so they have decided in their national security strategy to take us out in space if we ever have to come to blows. this is why i fully support the creation of the space force. this is why space has now been
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declared a war fighting domain. if we don't prepare ourselves, our very way of life will be at significant risk. our banking, our financial institutions, our global logistics, our telecommunication systems all depend on space. so the 21st century space race is on. and america must lead. this is why the push for space resources and funding today is absolutely critical. as a member of the house armed services committee and the science, space, and technology committee i see how national security and space intersect every day. as a floridian, space is something that is absolutely in my d.n.a. it is from, of course, florida's kennedy space center our astronauts launched to the moon. i know that florida will be a key player when we go back to the moon once more in 2024. military, , the u.s.
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and american industry work together to maintain american leadership in space. in my district in northeast florida, we are very fortunate to have companies who once again will assemble the lunar landers to help nasa get back to the moon. so looking back on this historic moon landing 50 years ago -- 50 years later, i hope we'll all remember what an incredible moment this was for our country. our american values, and american ingenuity have taken us to new worlds, not just on earth but beyond. it is an honor to celebrate these accomplishments here today, and it is absolutely critical that we continue exploring and we continue innovating. but it is also equally critical that we fully understand that our competitors seek to supplant
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our leadership role in space. they are not in line with our values. we cannot and will not allow that to happen. mr. speaker, i yield my time. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentlewoman from texas, mrs. fletcher, for five minutes. thank you, mr. speaker. this week we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the launch of apollo 11, the spacecraft that sent americans to the moon. on september 12, 1962, before a crowd of 40,000 spectators at rice university in houston, president john f. kennedy announced the ambitious goal of sending americans to the moon before the end of the decade. on july 20, 1969, we got there. neil armstrong became the first human to set foot on the surface of the moon. and 19 minutes later, buzz aldrin became the second.
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more than 600 million people around the world watched armstrong take his first steps on television. the first words they heard on the moon were, houston, tranquility base here. the eagle has landed. followed by the observation, that's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. as a native houstonian and representative of texas' seventh congressional district, these historic words are seared in my mind. the apollo 11 mission was more than just an amazing technological advancement. it brought americans from all backgrounds and beliefs together toward a common goal and a common purpose. it made people a part of something bigger than themselves, perhaps bigger than they had ever imagined. more than 400,000 americans worked to make the apollo 11
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mission a success. many of them based at the johnson space center in houston. from the support crew to the flight directors at mission control to the spacesuit designers, to the human computers, engineers, and scientists who designed and built the hardware and software, to the custodial staff who worked in the building to make sure that they had a place to work, and every small job in between apollo 11 was the result of a historic collaboration across our country. the resounding success of the apollo program served to captivate the world's attention and cemented america's status as a leader in scientific discovery and technological innovation. it taught us what we as americans can do, what we can accomplish when we work together toward a common goal. what we learned from this mission is that when we do that, even the sky is not the limit.
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thank you, mr. speaker. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman from texas, mr. weber, for five minutes. thank you, mr. texas speaker. i rise today to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the apollo 11 mission. in his famous 1961 speech at rice university in houston, texas, president john f. kennedy challenged the nation to put a man on the moon by the end of the decade. president kennedy spoke these now famous words, quote, we choose to go to the moon on this decade and do other things not because they are easy but because they are hard. end quote. president kennedy understood the importance of american leadership in space. he added, quote, whether it will become a force for good or ill depends on man and only if the
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united states occupies a position of preeminence can we help decide whether this new ocean will be a sea of peace or a new terrifying theater of war. end quote. military professionals will tell you that whoever occupies has the upper hand. folks, there is no higher ground than space. america must remain the leader in space. it's just that simple. in 1969 the crew of apollo 11 fulfilled that very mission to put a man on the moon. today we honor not only the astronauts neil armstrong, buzz aldrin, and michael collins, but the great -- all of the great nasa men and women who worked tirelessly to make apollo 11 mission a success. we have learned about the hidden figures of the apollo program, those behind the scenes. here's are some more. at the height of the apollo program, according to one estimate, one in 50 americans were working on some aspect of
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the program. his included some 400,000-plus full-time employees. the astronauts knew their lives depended on these people, most of whom they never knew nor would they ever meet that were performing difficult tasks on a very demanding schedule. over 530 million people around the globe watched the telecast of armstrong's first steps from 250,000 miles away. not only did apollo 11 show the world what america can achieve, but it displayed a beautifully unique ability of human space exploration. its capacity to stimulate, to inspire , and to cause people to reach deep inside to find the very best they had to offer, american greatness is a compilation of these things. on that day we spread our message of american greatness
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around the globe. 08 years ago, the politics compelled us to the challenge of space competition. the world has changed and in today's uncertainty one thing remains certain, the importance of american preeminence in space. now we turn our focus to a new challenge. we will send americans back to the moon surface by 2024. only this time to stay. it has been a long time since man walked on the moon. in 2024 we will make history ce again when the first -- with our great lead the private and public sectors are coming together to accomplish this great and varied difficult task. through their partnerships american excellence is leveraged across the board. we are building sustainable, reusable systems that will not
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only take us to the moon but leapfrog us to mars. our great nasa is bringing democrats and republicans together in what i call american togetherism. thank god for nasa. thank you, mr. texas speaker, i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentlewoman from florida, ms. wilson, for five minutes. 50 years ago, the apollo 11 mission sent a crew of pioneering women on a ourney of incredible significance. all of these were astronauts.
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symbolical hely, it was a representation that with enough hard work, dedication and will, america could achieve the seemingly impossible. the mission left lasting imprints from the eternal footprints left on tranquility base to the values engraved into an entire generation. the moon landing inspired all who watched it, to believe in the power of innovation, dedication, and most especially unwavering courage. but today, i want to draw attention to some of the unsung heros of the apollo 11 mission. i will refer to them as the hidden figures. ms. wilson, ms. vaughn, ms. jackson have only recently been recognized for the incredible work they put into the mission that defined generations thanks to the film "hidden figures." only ms. johnson is still alive
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today to receive our overdue gratitude for these women. before we begin -- began carrying calculators in our pockets, the three did manual calculations of astronomical problems using only pen and paper. the specs were high. the working conditions were segregated and intense. yet, these women produced work at a calendar high enough to send men to the surface of the moon. that's what i call some black girl magic. ms. johnson, ms. vaughn and ms. jackson defied intense discrimination and overwhelming adversaries. apollo missions astro numberically -- were astronomically high. we did not know them. we did not know them. i'm proud to recognize them today on the floor as women of
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distinction, with unrivaled talent. i'm proud to know their contributions of finally being recognized, and on a very important note, as a member of my sew roarity, i'm proud -- sorority, i'm proud to call them my sisters. new found recognition will undoubtedly inspire a generation of known people to pursue stem careers despite whatever odds may be against them. black girls can learn about the apollo 11 mission and know there are heroes who look just like them. first generation college students, low-income children and children of color can understand how it's possible to defy the odds with stem. to help make this possible, my long-term friend and colleague from florida, representative posey and, and i worked together to pass the apollo 1150th anniversary commemorative coin act -- 50th
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anniversary commemorative coin act, which honors the nasa engineers, astronauts, and americans from every state who made the mission possible. the bill supports college scholarships for future scientists, engineers and astronauts. the sell of the coin will help promote stem education, space exploration and scientific discovery. i'm grateful that throughout my lifetime these hidden figures have finally been brought into the light and celebrated in the manner they have deserved since 1969. they are no longer hidden. now we all know them and celebrate them and thank god for their brilliance and magnificent contributions. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman from georgia, mr. carter, for five minutes. mr. speaker, i rise
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today to remember the life of mr. abe brown. in 1984, mr. brown was the first african-american to be elected to glen county coroner. this was not only important to brunswick, but it was the first african-american coroner in the entire state of georgia. in his service to the brunswick -- and his service to the brunswick community was exceptional. he treated each case like it was his own family. mr. brown owned a funeral home in town and built friendships with nearly everyone residing in brunswick. citizens there remember him as loved by anyone who came in contact with him and is a man who had a special way of encouraging people to work together. mr. brown passed away earlier in year at the age of 77. this past june, the brunswick city commission named a park in his honor. i am proud that brunswick could celebrate his work with this park, an honor that's truly
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well deserved. mr. speaker, i rise to recognize ms. deal for his dedication to her country, her community, and her own education. a native of the first congressional district of georgia, ms. deal is currently serving in afghanistan as part of the georgia national guard. however, while at home, she works as a police officer with the savannah police department. through all of her hours spent keeping the savannah area a safe place to live as well as her time dedicated to serving the united states armed forces, ms. deal has been studying in the last seven months to earn a degree in the criminal justice system from columbia college. in late june, her fellow soldiers and police colleagues took part in something truly unique, a graduation ceremony in afghanistan. congratulations on your graduation, mrs. deal. you are an inspiration to all of us and i wish you the best of luck with your career.
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mr. speaker, i rise today to remember the life of dr. raymond allen cook who passed away on june 29 at the age of 99. dedicated his life to students all over the world. he taught for over 30 years at multiple georgia universities and even traveled the world to share his knowledge when he was appointed as a fulbright lecturer at the university of iran. he published numerous papers and even five books on some of the authors that developed the cannon of our language's literature, including walt wittman, jeffrey chaucer, jane austen and more. he never forgot where he came from, and in 1964, dr. cook returned to his alma mater and to my alma mater, young harris college, to serve as its president. i am thankful that both the state of georgia and also my
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alma mater, young harris college, could partner with a scholar as distinguished as dr. cook for the last 30 years. his family and friends will be in my thoughts and prayers during this most difficult time. mr. speaker, i rise today to recognize chief anthony "tony" tanner who has dedicated his ntire professional career to secure the city of waycross. a testament to both his hard work and commitment, he worked his way from patrol officer to chief of police, holding every single rank during different points of his career. of the 12 men who have been chiefs of police beginning in 1906, chief tanner has held the position longer than any of them. his work in his community doesn't stop there, though. outside of the police force, he continued dedicating time to
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the community through the exchange club, red cross blood drives, the domestic violence task force, and much more. chief tanner retired from the waycross police department on june 28, and his work in the first congressional district of georgia will be deeply missed. congratulations on your retirement. mr. speaker, i yield. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from minnesota, mr. emmer, is recognized for five minutes. mr. speaker, i rise today to honor the stearns county and water district for receiving the source water protection award for 2019. each year the minnesota department of health and the minnesota rural water association recognize water suppliers who conserve resources. this year the stearns county facility demonstrated their ability to go above and beyond to help save energy for the community. over the course of the year, the stearns county facility updated their wellhead
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protection activities and ensured their inventory met contamination standards. because of practices like these, the constituents of minnesota's sixth congressional district have access to safe drinking water. additionally, these efforts also work to conserve water, saving money for the county and bettering the environment. the stearns county and water district has worked closely with grant programs to raise money for their efforts. the citizens of stearns county have better access to the services they need because the district has put conservation and health first. congratulations, stearns county and water district for this outstanding recognition. we're grateful for your work to help our district and the great state of minnesota. mr. speaker, i rise today to recognize dan stoltz for receiving the herbie award. this award from the st. paul chamber of commerce recognizes individuals that exemplify the traits inspired by its namesake, herb brooks, humanitarian, enterprising, resilient, bold, inspiration
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and ethical. herb brooks remains a minnesota legend. as coach of the united states men's hockey team in 1980, he led them to their gold medal victory with his focus, determination, strong work ethic, and inspirational leadership. as c.e.o. of speier federal credit union and in his everyday life, i can attest that dan stoltz channels our minnesota legend, herb brooks. congratulations, dan, for this well-deserved award. our community appreciates the generosity you provide every day. madam speaker -- mr. speaker, i ise today to recognize the schlictign fame for being named farm of the year. it's a third generation farm ned and operated by the rick sclicting family. they went to the community in
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1910. they restored some of the land what it was like when the grandparents first settled the property. in fact, close to 70 acres have been reverted to original prairie. they are dedicated to stewardship. in 2016, they were honored with the outstanding conservationist award by the minnesota association of soil and water conservation districts. i'm honored to represent farm families these this one. they have dedicated their lives to preserving the land while doing their part to feed the world. congratulations to rick and his family for being named farm family of the-year-old. i remember today to remember the life of gabriel who passed away far too early. taken by a disease that's impacted the lives of nearly everyone we know, gabriel was known by the world as an olympic runner, star track athlete for the university of minnesota, and someone who fought cancer every step of the day. she used her story and her struggle to share a message of hope. they did this by serving the brave like gabe foundation
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which supports research on rare cancer. a cure is vital but private and public dollars are necessary to fund this work, which is why we have and we should continue to fund the national institutes of health. we did not have a cure in time for gabrielle or all of the loved ones we have lost, but if we continue to support medical research and innovation, a cure will be found and we can save future generations from this awful disease. mr. speaker, i rise today to thank brent d. hale for the service and leadership he provided for an extension program and grateful for his participation on my agricultural advisory committee. he's been amazing. his work to foster community development and innovation, agricultural production has served our state well. we are lucky to have his expertise and commitment. i want to congratulate brent as penn state director of extension. as he goes to the university of minnesota on july 31, we wish
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him the best. thank you, brent, and congratulations on your new opportunity. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman from alabama, mr. aderholt, for five minutes. mr. aderholt: thank you, mr. speaker. . it's no secret it was 50 years ago this week that three brave americans stepped on the moon. when we look at our children's toys today, it is amazing that they contain more data processing power than the systems which actually operated the apollo vehicles 50 years ago. these three american astronauts, neil armstrong, buzz aldrin, and michael collins could not really know whether they would return. they were willing to serve their country and proud for america to be leading the world in space. even if our space program got a strong jump-start even because of the cold war, this mission was also about the human spirit and the need to explore.
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the whole world was eager to hear news of the mission. no matter what may happen in the future, this would be the first time human beings would step foot on a world other than our own home. neil armstrong's description of that mission was a leap, and it's fitting today as it is intrusional -- instructional now. i'm excited as my colleagues and many americans are of our plans to land again on the moon by 2024. i'm very proud of the role that my home state of alabama has played in the development of the most powerful rocket, the a turn family. you it -- saturn family, you can still see today in huntsville, alabama, a real rocket at the space rocket center in huntsville. likewise i'm proud marshall space flight center, including the assembly facility, as the
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designer and builder of the space launch system. this will be the most powerful rocket in the world. and is approximately 90% finished. the american taxpayers own it and they'll benefit from it as a national asset. it is a successful combined work of private companies and suppliers from virtually every state in the nation. the saturn five rocket was able to execute the apollo mission in one launch because of the rocket's third stage compelled the lander and re-entry vehicle to the moon's orbit. similarly the s.l.s. upper stage will enable a payload delivery to the moon orbit, including the capsule, a 45 metric tons. three to four times greater than any other launch vehicle currently in use or close to completion. it can have that capability ready by 2024.
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but only we can have that ready if we move ahead this year with that goal. systems like the s.l.s. and orion inspire inspiration. maybe one day other rockets and capsules will surpass them, but to reach our goal by 2024, we need to stay focused own complete these systems. some have said in recent years about our going to the moon, we have been there, done that. but with all due respect i would disagree. but this new mission to the moon i would say go there, but don't stop there. sustainability offers many future benefits, but let's not get distracted for this first human return to the moon. let's reach the peak. let's make that landing. as we ponder the future of the moon let's look up again and set a date, a real mission date, for setting foot on mars. mr. speaker, i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman from ohio for five minutes.
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>> thank you, mr. speaker. i rise today to commemorate the 50th anniversary of space flight apollo 11. mr. balderson: that first landed humankind on the moon. as we all know aboard this mission were american heroes neil armstrong, buds aldrin jr., and michael collins. when neil armstrong first set foot on the moon july 20, 1969, he secured a place in a long proud line of ohioans who have performed aviation first. beginning with the wright brothers and continuing today with the fine scientists at nasa's glenn research center, generations much ohioans have consistently led and driven innovation in our country. for centuries ohio has been on the forefront of new technologies and always pushed the boundaries of mankind in the name of exploration. i would be remiss if i did not personally thank those brave astronauts who led the apollo 11 mission 50 years ago for putting their lives on the line in service to their country.
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when commander armstrong took his first steps on to the moon, surely he couldn't have known that a 7-year-old boy from his home state of ohio was watching in amazement with his whole life ahead of him. may our country always remember how profound the apollo 11 moon landings were and still are. may we always honor the crew members, backup crew, support crew, capsule communications, and flight directors who made this mission a success. in may the united states of america forever remain not only the first but the principal nation of space exploration. with that i yield back, mr. speaker. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentlewoman from california, ms. hill, for five minutes. ms. hill: thank you, mr. speaker. today i rise to honor the 50th anniversary of the apollo 11 series. when i think of apollo 11 i'm reminded of a feeling that many of us have forgotten in this current time of divisiveness and earning. apollo 11 reminds me of an
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america that pulled together. a time when america prioritized impossible dreams because impossible dreams were what built this country. a time when we understood that achieving those impossible dreams was a way to make every child feel prouder to be an american and every adversary feel that our nation loomed larger than they could hope to surmount. as americans we work hard. we get better then we become the best. at its core space exploration anti-moon landing were rooted in the american dream and i believe that dream is still worth dreaming today. 50 years later the apollo series and space exploration of that time remind us that we are part of something bigger than ourselves. i stand here today as the congresswoman of a district that is incredibly proud of our contributions to space technology, flight, and exploration. really, our contributions to bringing that dream to life. my district is home to many of edwards air force base workers who are critical to our country's defense and service. we often say the valley, which
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is the aerospace valley because of how much testing, research, and development takes place in our community. the nasa armstrong flight research center at edwards air force base made countless contributions to the nasa human space flight program during the 1960's from x-15 rocket plan hyper sonic research program to the lunar landing research vehicle, both of which had a direct impact on the apollo missions. the first flight of a lunar landing research vehicle was in 1964 at edwards. these vehicles were late used at ellington air force base to train the apollo flight crew. for my constituents and so many others across the nation, the celebration of the apollo mission is the celebration of our history. it's the celebration of people like my grandfather who worked on the thrusters for the lunar lander. from 1961 to 1970 he was involved with apollo service module rocket development, qualification, and production. in talking with my grandfather, i have seen how much of a catalyst this work is for our identity as americans. the moon shot gave so many of us
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something to believe in. and that belief paid off in its enduring impact to scientific discovery and commercial applications. we need to realize that trim up of, that triumph in this generation of americans. my work on the house armed services committee has also shown me that the military and our defense capabilities simply don't work any longer without a mastery of space. our adversaries are on their way to the moon and we have no choice but to be there as well. that's a vital part of how we maintain our status as the global leader that we have always been. to keep our strongest position, we have to have a plan and strategy for space. in doing so, we will inspire a generation of stem workers, many of them young women, people of color, first generation college students, to be part of something great. something that defines our identity as americans. we will stimulate our economy, innovate products that stretch beyond use and space, and contribute to our comfort and well-being here in america. on the 50th anniversary of apollo, i'm honored to champion
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a program that unlocks so much american greatness. i'm even more honored to stand with the knowledge that great things are yet to come. together we can do so much and go so far. further than we have ever gone before because we can, because we have to, because our security demands it, because without doing so we will never know what's possible. as humans, as americans, we will not let the impossible stop us. thank you. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to clause 12-a of rule 1, the chair declares the house in recess until noon today.
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